At Run Vault Performance, we are heavily focused on continual improvements. Both for our athletes and our coaches.
In order to find that extra 1% for your next event, or that one hidden addition to your training that will help you perform better, we ask our athletes to reflect on their racing experiences via the form below which is recorded and attached to their race in training peaks for future reference.
Completing this race and training reflection - Athlete form opens valuable insights and a deep summary of your lead up to your event, the event itself and post event reflection. We cover everything from pacing, nutrition, mindset, aerobic fitness, strength and power to use for improving our services to you and for you to strengthen your armour for your next big challenge.
Complete the form within this page here or click this link to open up in google forms.
Are you training for a marathon, obstacle course race, ultra run, triathlon or ironman? We're the team to help! Get in touch with us at to get started with structured training to crush your goals.